Galveston Railroad Museum is a Place You Need to Visit

Galveston Railroad Museum is a Place You Need to Visit

The first impression those who have visited the Galveston Railroad Museum is ATFS 315 and 316! The two in summation contribute to what is now the history of the Railroad Museum.

Initially numbers 15 and 16, these trains traveled between Galveston and Chicago. They were referred to as the Texas Chief.

The F7 trains had a sequence of the number 300, and giving the two trains numbers 315 and 316 helped in honoring the two pieces of history.

The History Behind the Trains

Before becoming the property of the Galveston Railroad Museum, they changed ownership several times over the years.

Southern Pacific Railroad was the initial owner before GE bought them. Then, they were then traded to Wellsville, Addison, and Galeton in Maryland.

Then the Authority of Allegany took ownership, and the Connecticut Department of Transportation after that. Finally, to their current owner. Here, the two received a makeover of painting and restoration.

They did the paintings in a fashion similar to the Warbonnet Passenger Scheme of Santa Fe. The art reflected on the F7 and PA scheme was used previously on the Gulf Line.

Galveston Railroad Museum train

As part of our Magical History Segway tour, the museum is clearly one of the Galveston Landmarks.

Clients have many options at their disposal. That’s because the museum is open from Monday through Saturday.

The charges are pocket-friendly, ranging from $5-$10: those above the age of 13 pay $10; all above 65 pay $8; and children aged 4-12 pay $5. Those active in the military are admitted for free.

There’s a lot of interest in the tour, too. The last ticket at the Railroad Museum usually expires fifteen minutes before the train arrives.

It is important to note that rates usually vary during special occasions. However, they still stay very affordable.

There’s enough time to prepare the tourists for a ride. If you would like to use your time well at the museum and enjoy everything, it is advisable to make early plans.

Railroad Museum Rentals and Activities

Some of the activities and offerings at the Galveston Railroad museum include birthday party organization, hosting of wedding events, incredible and lovely field trips, and the amazing show of modern trains.

Specially designed packages, such as the $400 Thomas package, include catering to around 15 children and 15 adults. Do you want to celebrate your birthday there? A cake, ice cream, party bags, and dinner for 12 people is always provided.

Galveston Railroad Museum Lounge area

The other, the Train Whistle, costs $300 and serves up to 40 people. The Train Whistle has a three-hour dinner car; you also have a choice to bring your decorations if you want to hold a party.

However, all other things, including gifts, are provided. This package is amazing and well suited for children of all ages.

The history of the Galveston Railroad Museum is always alive and educational to new people who want to visit and experience Galveston.

Members of the community in Galveston have been given a chance to volunteer to help. The mission is to keep the museum as attractive and historical as possible. Therefore, it is up to the locals to decide the kind of activities they want to help with.

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